Capital Transfer Tax


Categories: Tax, Bonds

When you say “capital transfer tax,” make sure you say it in your best British accent.

A capital transfer tax (nice job) is a tax on inheritance in the UK on super-mega-huge estates (which is usually property and money all wrapped up in one huge legal-ball).

The capital transfer tax was born in 1974, but jumped through some hoops in the 80s, and was ultimately renamed the “inheritance tax” in 1984. This applies whether the estate is being transferred while the sugardaddy is still alive or after death, in both circumstances.

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Finance a la shmoop what is capital gains tax? alright people you've invested


your hard-earned savings from working 72 hours a week all year you put 10 grand


to work seven years ago in buying Heinz ketchup stock at 50 bucks a share


200 shares then this year along comes Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway to [Warren and Berkshire appear]


confirm what a brilliant investor you were and they buy for all cash the


company Heinz ketchup for $200 a share you've made four times your money in


seven years nice work well you have a gain of 150 bucks a share which you are


gonna fully realize like you'll realize that capital gain in the form of


receiving cash like oh I realize I have cash in my bank account yay me!


so all this was so good such a nice day until you realize that you live in a [Woman frollocking in a meadow]


blue state with massive taxes and that you'll now give back about a third or


more of your investment gains that is you invested 10 grand it became 40 grand


the old-fashioned way you had 30 grand of profits and now uncle sam says i want [Uncle Sam demanding I want your cash]


your cash and you now pay about 10 grand roughly a third of it in taxes of


your gains of that 30 grand back to Uncle S, sadly you are paying back in


taxes about the same amount you invested in the first place yep lots of hard work


lots of taxes how's that feel?

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