Help Using Shmoop


Who writes for Shmoop?

We're from the crème de la crème PhD and Masters programs.

  • A majority of our writers are PhDs and PhD candidates from top universities across the country and globe.
  • Our writers are a diverse bunch, including women and men all over the world. Korea? Check. Patagonia? Check. The Marshall Islands? Check. Shmoop is everywhere.
  • We come from all different backgrounds, including African American, Asian American, and Israeli.
  • Our editorial team consists of PhDs and Masters from Stanford and other top universities, along with experienced middle and high school teachers.

We're teachers.

Most of our writers have taught at the elementary school, middle school, high school, or university level. Teaching is close to our hearts.

We're hopelessly devoted to our topics.

Our writers are academic specialists in everything from African-American literature to 19th-century American politics to Egyptian mythology.

We choose our team carefully.

Shmoop has a rigorous and highly selective process to select new contributors. Do you have stellar academic chops and a sense of humor? Check out our jobs page.

We're certified by the people who count.

Over 35 of our courses have been reviewed by experts and approved by "a-g" for meeting academic standards and college-entrance requirements. Many of our courses have also been approved by the College Board AP® Course Audit. We also offer a selection of college-level courses that are ACE CREDIT® recommended and eligible for college credit from over 2,000 colleges and universities that consider ACE CREDIT recommendations.

Meet our Founder (a.k.a. our Resident Content Genius)

David Siminoff, Chief Creative Officer
Honors in English from Stanford; studied English literature at Oxford; MFA from USC School of Cinema and Television; MBA from Stanford; published author and award-winning screenwriter.

Why isn't there a byline on each article?

Shmoop doesn't publish individual author names because we have numerous contributors to each of our pieces. Shmoop has a distinct, consistent voice. We prefer to present our content as a unified "corporate publisher," which is accommodated by all three of the major citation styles—MLA, APA, and Chicago. For more information, see our How to Cite Shmoop page.

Still have questions? Feel free to email, and you'll hear from a real human with 24 hours.