Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes in Life After Life

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Such a fine line between living and dying. (4.18)

Sylvie is a little more likely to write off how fragile life is when people live. We doubt she'd be casually thinking about this "fine line" had this been one of the timelines in which her baby dies.

Quote #2

"Life must go on," [Sylvie] said. (9.51)

Sylvie says this because she thinks it's silly to be scared of influenza. She's right in a the show must go on kind of way, but without caution, life won't go on. At least not for the ones who die.

Quote #3

Life was going on. A think of beauty. (9.67)

Ursula thinks this as she dies of influenza. Life is going on, but not for her. Everyone else will continue to live, and it's only a thing of beauty in the painful, poetic sense of the word.