Lord of Light Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Lord of Light was adapted into a screenplay, which was never produced. Then, in 1979, the CIA needed a fake movie production to use as a cover for sneaking six hostages out of Iran—so they nabbed Lord of Light. This CIA story then became the basis for Argo. And in this way, Lord of Light totally made it to the silver screen. (Source)

Zelazny wasn't a Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan, but he was probably the closest the world of science fiction will ever get to having one of their own. His initial interest in the fighting arts started with Judo, but he soon lead began studying other martial arts. He earned a black belt in Aikido and even mastered the epee—that really pointy sword they use in fencing. There's a reason dude wrote such awesome fight scenes. (Source)

How many gods do you think are in the Hindu pantheon? Couple hundred? Couple thousand? Try 330,000,000. Yep, that's the traditional number given. You can count for yourself, though, if you want to. (Source)