Rules and Order Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

When cash ran low, I would be sent off to retrieve money wires from Alaji at various banks—a crime itself, although I did not realize it. (1.43)

Do you think Piper really didn't realize it, or was she just hoping to plead ignorance should she get caught?

Quote #2

"He has to send [the check] to Georgia, then they'll process it." (3.17)

Sometimes the prison's rules seem intended less to create order and more designed to just confuse and complicate the heck out of everything.

Quote #3

"CO, that's the correctional officer.'" (3.98)

Part of learning the ropes in prison involves learning the lingo. This is one of the simpler ones that everyone probably knows from television.