Rhinoceros Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #1

JEAN: You mean to say you’ve got a thirst even at this time of morning? (1.1.49-50)

Man, Jean is not above judging his friends. However, his judgment does give us a glimpse into Berenger’s nature. Berenger is a guy, at least at the beginning of the play, who is into drinking…a lot.

Quote #2

BERNEGER: I have got a bit of a hangover—it’s true! (1.1.69)

So, Berenger likes drinking, but he doesn’t seem all that concerned about it. He knows he’s hung over and he knows he wants another drink, and he knows that society sort of frowns on that sort of thing, especially on a Sunday morning.

Quote #3

JEAN: You’re heading for cirrhosis, my friend. (1.1.92-93)

When we need to cite the medical dictionary entry on cirrhosis, we know things are serious (hint: it’s a disease that has to do with drinking). But back to the plot: sometimes, like when medicine comes in, it might be okay to judge. While Jean can get a little high and mighty at times, he does seem to have legitimate concerns about his friend, and he’s willing to put it out there. As long as he’s got some big words to back it up.