Stolen Sections 111-113 Summary

Section Break 111

  • As she realizes the choice she has to make, Gemma's hands are shaking. She knows that as much as she wants to save Ty, she can't.
  • What he did wasn't right, and she has to tell the truth because of that, so she will tell the court how terrified she was and the uncertainty of the whole thing.
  • But, she'll also tell them about the kind, soft side of Ty that she saw in nature and with the camel, and how he gave up his life for her by staying on the plane when they took her away.
  • She hopes that this part of her testimony will influence where they send Ty, or for how long. She hopes that when he gets out, he can choose to be the person she saw in Australia, the person that she knows he can be.

Section Break 112

  • It's almost morning. Gemma knows she needs to stop writing to Ty, even if she doesn't want to.

Section Break 113

  • It's time for Gemma to sleep, and she knows she's going to have a recurring dream that she hasn't written about yet in her letter.
  • In the dream, she is in the Separates and plants the ring Ty gave her in the ground before watching the sunset. Then, she wakes up.