The Other Gladers (and Frypan)

Character Analysis

Yeah, the fill-ins. These are the peeps in the background who will very likely get crushed by a giant ceiling tile or zapped by a large bolt of lightning. The other Gladers really just serve the purpose of being, well, other Gladers.

Except Frypan. He's given a little bit of characterization: you may remember him as the guy who's obsessed with food and cooking. He's lovable, and we always have him in the back of our minds—Please, let Frypan live.

When he gets put back in the Maze at the end of the book, Frypan says:

"Can you believe they put me back in this place? They wouldn't even let me cook, just sent us a bunch of packaged food in the Box three times a day. Kitchen doesn't even work—no electricity, nothing." (68.11)

Cooking and food are all the kid cares about. Not much, really. But that's about all we know about any of these other Gladers: they're mostly cannon fodder.