To My Dear and Loving Husband Setting

Where It All Goes Down

We really don't get any clues for the setting of the poem. In our "Sound Check," we suggested that these sound like wedding vows, but we feel like our lady isn't writing this (or reading it) at our wedding. This is a woman whose love is tried and true.

All we can think of is the setting of our own Anne Bradstreet – a writer, a mother, a wife, and a Puritan immigrant to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. So, we can imagine Boston, Massachusetts in 1633 (which isn't exactly Boston yet because only a handful of people live there), a tiny fireplace in a cozy cottage, a woman staring lovingly at her husband while her children play in the living room… but we're getting ahead of ourselves.

Plus, we like to think of this poem as timeless. (And that's not just a cop out!)