The Wild Iris Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

During a recent interview, Louise Glück chatted about her childhood, commenting that she was a "lonely child" and that her favorite authors were her "companions." She further explained that, "My early writing was an attempt at communication with them, a […] dialogue with the dead." Remind you of any poems you've read lately? Maybe one narrated by a mysterious speaker who claims to remember death? (Source.)

"The Wild Iris" is one of the poems in Louise Glück's Pulitzer-Prize-winning book of poems by the same name. Glück wrote all 54 poems for The Wild Iris in a ten-week period. Yeah, you heard us right. The woman wrote more than five award-winning poems every week. (Source.)

Louise Glück is known for teaching and mentoring young writers. When asked about this, she responded, "What I do with young writers I do because it's fuel for me. And sometimes I tell [them… ] that I'm Dracula, I'm drinking their blood." Just to be on the safe side, you might want to wear a necklace of garlic if you enroll in one of her classes. (Source.)