Bartholomew and the Oobleck Resources


A Seussian Village? Let Us In!

Games, resources for teachers, and facts about the author, animated and ready to use for your technology savvy kid.

The Finer Work of the Hizzling Wizzling Artsy Guy

Dr. Seuss loved and produced all sorts of art. Look beyond the illustrations with this comprehensive tour of his finer art.

Ted Geisel Goes Way Back

Learn all about our favorite doc and where he came from.

Articles and Interviews

Think Dr. Seuss Is the Coolest? Poets Think So, Too

Check out this in-depth look at the man and his life.

The Seuss Hated Interviews...

…but his wife, Audrey, does not. Hear the inside scoop on life with her famous husband.

The Source

This in-depth A&E documentary actually manages to capture the man on film. Add in some great anecdotes and you have a bio to beat all bios. Start with Part 1 and find the subsequent videos in the sidebar.


Gather Round, Kiddos, for a Fantabulous Reading

Listen and enjoy while a great storyteller reads the book aloud.

Sure, It's Sticky, But Can You Run On It?

A bunch of adults who should know better (sound familiar?) try to spring across a pool of oobleck.


The Man in Black and White

Dr. Seuss surrounded by his books.

Eww, It's All… Ooblecky

A little girl playing with the goopiest goop out there.

In Israel, Oobleck Runs From Right to Left

Notice any difference between the Israeli versus the American versions?