Digital Humanities Texts

Literary and theoretical texts for all your Digital Humanities needs.

Primary Literary Texts

Primary Theoretical Texts

A Companion to Digital Humanities by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth (eds.) (2005)

This is the book that popularized the term "Digital Humanities." What else is there to say?According to the contributions in this book, what are some of the important ways in which we can apply dig...

Digital Humanities in Practice by Claire Warwick, Melissa Terras and Julianne Nyhan (Eds.) (2011)

This is a collection of essays that shows us Digital Humanists doin' their thing. As in, practicing Digital Humanities. (Har har.)How have Digital Humanists applied digital tools like crowdsourcing...

Debates in the Digital Humanities by Matthew K. Gold (ed.) (2012)

Here's a book that lays out all the debates in the field. So now we don't have to debate what the debates are, right?How can the Digital Humanities function as a disruptive force in academic schola...

Hacking the Academy: New Approaches to Scholarship and Teaching from Digital Humanities Daniel J. Cohen and Tom Scheinfeldt (eds.) (2013)

Is information technology changing the face of higher education? Is it changing the face of education in general? The contributors in this collection think so. What are some of the fundamental ways...

Defining Digital Humanities: A Reader by Melissa Terras, Julianne Nyhan and Edward Vanhoutte (eds.) (2013)

Many of the seminal essays in the field can be found in this collection. It's a nifty place to start for getting a sense of where the field is today.How and why did the transition from "Humanities...