Environmental Chemistry Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Environmental Chemistry? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which of the following reactions shows the decomposition of ozone?

O2 + hv → O + O
O + O2 + M → O3 + M
O3 + hv → O2 + O
O + N2 → O + N2
O + O2 → O3
Q. Which of the following is an odd species?

Q. Which of the following statements about aerosols is not true?

Aerosols serve as condensation nuclei for clouds.
Aerosols used in cloud-seeding lead to a greater number of smaller cloud droplets.
Aerosols scatter and reflect solar radiation.
Sea salt aerosols are released into the atmosphere when the bubbles on waves burst.
Clouds formed over the ocean contain aerosols like magnesium and chlorine.
Q. What gas, emitted by soil, salt marshes, and trees, is a natural source of sulfur for the Junge layer?

Carbonyl sulfide
Carbon dioxide
Iron sulfide
Hydroxide radical
Q. In what atmospheric layer is ozone considered a pollutant?

Q. A soil has a CEC of 32 cmolc/kg. If 15% of the exchange sites contain H+, how many cmolc/kg of a base are needed to neutralize all of the reserve acidity?

Q. Which of the following could increase concentrations of atmospheric methane?

I. Melting of sea ice
II. Replacing corn fields with rice paddies
III. Volcanic eruption

I only
II only
III only
I and II only
I, II, and III
Q. What limits ozone production in the troposphere?

Lack of 240 nm radiation
Lack of diatomic oxygen
An abundance of diatomic oxygen
An abundance of 240 nm radiation
Its lifetime
Q. Governor Ron Revog wants to solve his city's smog problem (partially because he's tired of riding his bike into telephone poles). Which of the following actions would not help him meet this lofty goal?

Requiring all new construction to use low VOC paints
Covering the city with a non-porous dome
Injecting the atmosphere with hydroxide radicals.
Banning cars in the city-limits
Replacing old buses and trains with solar powered buses and trains
Q. What is one reason that soil aerosols typically do not end up in rainwater?

Soil aerosols tend to dissolve too readily in water.
Soil aerosols are too heavy to reach the layer of the atmosphere containing clouds.
Soil aerosols tend to be insoluble in water.
Soil aerosols change the size and number of cloud droplets and decrease the amount of rain.
Aerosols are never derived from soils.