Systems of Equations Topics

Systems of Equations explanations, examples, practice problems. Ready? Let's do this.

The Basics

Remember a long time ago when you were in Algebra 1 and 2? Yeah, we know, it was a super long time ago. Remember those pesky little problems that were called systems of equations? Usually there wer...

Gaussian Elimination

Gaussian elimination. It sounds terrible, and that's why most people run the other way when they see it coming. Not us. We're awesome like that. We are going to teach you that it's just a small ext...

Matrix Basix

After all of that Gaussian stuff, our goal is to show you how to use matrices to make things easier in solving systems of equations. But before we do, we need to brush up on all of our matrix basic...

The Matrix of Equations: Reloaded

Our goal is to teach you how to solve systems of equations using matrix operations. This is an important section because we will go through elementary row operations and inverse matrices to solve b...

Solving Systems of Inequalities

Can you draw a picture and shade it in? If so, you qualify for the position "Systems of Inequalities Solver." The benefits are so-so. You will get less than or equal to your fair share. There will...

Partial Fractions

Have you ever looked at an algebraic fraction and wondered if there was a simpler way to put it? No? We didn't think so, but there are situations that you would need to simplify an algebraic fracti...

In the Real World

After all of this learning about systems of equations, you might be wondering what this has to do with real life. Prepare to be amazed at the connections to the real world.Systems of linear equatio...