Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them True or False

1. Who said, "You bought all those dungbombs on Saturday. You could have bought a new book instead"? -> Harry Potter
2. Who said, "I would like to take this opportunity to reassure Muggle purchasers that the amusing creatures described hereafter are fictional and cannot hurt you"? -> Albus Dumbledore
3. Who said, "Imperfect understanding is often more dangerous than ignorance?" -> Lord Voldemort
4. Name that creature: "[They] produce a realistic goldlike substance that vanishes after a few hours, to their great amusement"? -> Pixie
5. Name that creature: "It has exceptionally venomous fangs but its most dangerous means of attack is the gaze of its large yellow eyes. Anyone looking directly into these will suffer instant death"? -> Basilisk
