One Perfect Rose Resources


The Dorothy Parker Society

Hey look, a whole society devoted just to Dorothy Parker!

Now That's a Life!

Here's a decent, short biography of Dorothy Parker.

A Vicious Circle

This website about the history of the Parker and her group, the Algonquin Round Table.


Creepy, but Cool

Here's some weird animation of Parker reading "One Perfect Rose."

What Harmony!

A choir of four sings "One Perfect Rose."


Mandy Sykes

She reads "One Perfect Rose" to music.

Audio Bonanza

This page lists a slew of Parker's reading clips.


Pensive Dorothy

Here's a lovely picture of her.

Just My Luck!

A picture of Parker looking frustrated, as if she's just received a rose she doesn't want.

Dorothy @ Work

Here's Parker chewing thoughtfully as she writes.

Articles and Interviews

Paris Review

This interview took place over fifty years ago!


Enough Rope

Here it is: Parker's first book of poetry, at

Movies & TV

A Star is Born (1937)

Parker helped write this movie, and was nominated for an Oscar.

Smash Up: the Story of a Woman (1947)

Parker was also nominated for an Oscar for her work on this film.

Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (1994)

Here's a movie about Parker and the Algonquin Round Table.