The Ocean at the End of the Lane Resources


Inside Gaiman's head.

This is Gaiman's own website, including a journal that is, frankly, prolific.

New York Times Sunday Book Review

Looking for a neat, tidy little summary of the book? This one's not too shabby.

This Review is Too Big for It's Britches

Ever read a review that might be trying to top the lyrical prose of the work it's reviewing? Well, here's one for you.


The Ocean on the Big Screen

Yup—Gaiman's magical realism gets the silver screen treatment.


Symphony Space Q&A

A great article/interview summarizing a book reading and Q&A with Gaiman.

How The Ocean at the End of the Lane Came to Be

Fantastic article with quotes from Gaiman about how this story came to be told.


Colbert Grills Gaiman

We love Stephen Colbert. We love Neil Gaiman. See them together, in their glory, discussing The Graveyard Book.


Book Cover/Poster

Gaiman was very excited to see this poster for his book in the Underground.

The Ocean at the End of the Lane—The Lane

During his book-signing tour his agent had the street that Gaiman grew up on (or one very close to it) renamed.

Pretty, and Kinda Creepy

We like this concept art for the book.

Remember When the Boy Climbs Down the Drainpipe To Escape Ursula Monkton?

Yeah, we do too… And here's a picture of Neil Gaiman on the drainpipe of his house growing up.