Pure Chapter 18 Summary

How It All Goes Down

El Capitan (Guns)

  • New character perspective.
  • We get background information on El Capitan, an OSR officer in charge of sorting out new recruits.
  • When the Detonations occurred, him and his brother Helmud were riding a dirt bike. Helmud fused to El Capitan's back, creating the visual effect of a permanent piggyback ride.
  • Bet you've never seen that before.
  • If Helmud dies, so does El Capitan — he knows this, but still wants to roll over on his back one day to suffocate Helmud and end their suffering.
  • By the way, El Capitan is just the nickname his mother gave him before she got sent to the asylum. Since his father, an ex-pilot in the air force, was gone, El Capitan was put in charge of the family (which only consisted of him and Helmud at that point).
  • In present time, El Capitan is ordering his troops to find Pressia. This is a direct order from a higher up named Ingership, the guy who ordered the random Death Spree.
  • Apparently, Ingership wants Pressia to be promoted to officer upon arrival. You know, being an officer would probably be better than getting shot.
  • Oh, also, Ingership sometimes has El Capitan play The Game; when they let the weak recruits loose so El Capitan can hunt them.
  • Out in the woods, El Capitan finds some sort of dead wild hen in a trap. There are three brown eggs (one speckled) under the hen.
  • Then he hears a hum and his brother starts to cry on his back; all the sudden, he sees both human and nonhuman creatures shifting through the trees.