Pure Chapter 54 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (Cygnus)

  • Their mother doesn't have the reversal for Rapid Cell Degeneration, but she has one of the key ingredients for it.
  • She tells Partridge about how his father took brain enhancements before they were fully tested.
  • Get ready for some real evil stuff: his master plan was to use a certain formula to enhance the Detonations, which would then fuse survivors to the world around them and make a subhuman class that could be the "New Eden's" slaves.
  • Twisted stuff right there.
  • She shows Partridge drugs that can help rejuvenate her wounds; he asks why she doesn't take them, and she says it would be like hiding the truth.
  • Partridge looks at his pinky and realizes what she means. He wouldn't want to have his pinky restored either.
  • She then opens a drawer and pulls out a file of the names of people who are within the Dome that work for her.
  • People like Arvin Weed's parents, and Glassings.
  • In fact, Glassings was supposed to be the person that revealed to Partridge that he would be the leader from the inside.
  • Their mother surprisingly doesn't seem reluctant to follow Partridge — she says she is ready to face Ellery because she isn't afraid of him.
  • But she does need Partridge and the others to escape and ultimately fight back. She gives him fake pills so that they can fool Ellery into thinking it's the medication.
  • Partridge then tells her about how the people from the inside sent her a message. Tell the swan we're waiting.
  • She whispers, "The Cygnus," meaning "The Swan," and machine gun fire can be heard from above.