Pure Chapter 30 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (Oysters)

  • Now Pressia is inside Ingership's house; it's beautiful, and there's a manila envelope on the table with "Pressia Belze" written on it.
  • They start to eat eggs and oysters and drink lemonade, and Pressia tries to copy Ingership's manners to fit in.
  • The wife starts to talk about politics; she used to be part of a group called the Feminine Feminists.
  • Pressia is then shown into the kitchen, where the wife shows her different appliances. She turns on the sink, then gives Pressia a white card with a red line down its center and whispers, "I can help, but you must help save me."
  • Confused, Pressia walks back into the dining room, where Ingership reveals that he and his wife are liaisons (go-betweens) between the Dome and the outside.
  • He then tells Pressia that a Pure has escaped — and that the Dome was preparing for this to happen anyway — but they weren't able to equip him properly yet.
  • Oh, so that's why they were trying to put Partridge under. (Right. Sure.)
  • Pressia is given her mission: defend the Pure. Which she already did a little.
  • All the sudden, she starts to feel a little woozy. Uh oh.
  • The food she ate might've been poison. Just a little poison. Okay, maybe a lot of poison.
  • But wait there's good news. Ingership hands her a picture of her grandfather being treated in the Dome.
  • But of course, he's the "insurance policy" to make sure she does what she's told.
  • Also, the three men with super strength who stared at Pressia in the woods during The Game? Those were Special Forces, and they've been assigned to protect Pressia. Wow, this mission is cool.
  • Except, Pressia's starting to feel really dizzy now and just vomited. Maybe this mission isn't so great.
  • She grabs a knife and tries to stab Ingership, but ends up getting him in the arm.
  • It looks like he's about to fall on her now, but then he grabs his wife and yells, "Get me to the bucket! I'm burning darling."
  • Then Pressia remembers the word "chandelier."
  • We're just as confused as you are at this point.